add_filter("xmlrpc_enabled", "__return_false"); CELL @ DGIST – EECS & AI Departmnet

Computation Efficient Learning Lab.

EECS and AI Department @ DGIST

We design the future learning technology and platform.

About Us
Primary Research Theme

Efficient AI Technology

We focus on how to redesign AI and learning technologies towards superior computing efficiency for IoT/Big Data/edge computing. We explore alternative computing solutions for future learning technology, including near data computing to push computation beyond traditional processors, and brain-inspired hyperdimensional computing that closely models the ultimate efficient processor - the human brain.

Latest News

Hojeong Kim, Selim An, Jaewoo Gwak, Sehyeon Park, Minsang Kim joined CELL

Hojeong Kim, Selim An, Jaewoo Gwak, Sehyeon Park , Minsang Kim joined CELL in the first semester of 2025. Welcome!

Accepted Paper at ICCD 2024

Research on efficient forward-only training for Hyperdimensional Computing, introducing SEP and IMP for better encoding adaptability and accuracy, will be presented at ICCD 2024.

Published in ACM TODAES

Research on improving Hyperdimensional Computing with trainable encoding and adaptive training is published in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES).


E3 Building Room 613, 333, Techno jungang-daero, Hyeonpung-myeon Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 42988, REPUBLIC OF KOREA




(+82) 053-785-6332